From Mind Valley I f I hit a major setback in life, how do I know if I should be "resilient" and persevere? ... Or if I should take it as a sign from the Universe to let go and move on?" BIG dilemma. On one hand, we're taught that "persistence is a virtue"... But at the same time, you don't want to be "fighting a losing battle" either. So, what should you do? Well, that right there is the problem, according to Srikumar. Instead of asking yourself what you should do — quit or persevere — Srikumar suggests asking yourself... "Who am I being?" To explain exactly what he means by this, I want to share an excerpt of a fantastic article Srikumar wrote for Psychology Today , where he details a simple framework to decide when to keep at it and when to give up. "Take an example: If you believe you are stuck in a toxic job environment, then you are being a victim of external circumstances and indulging ...